Faculty of Arts + Social Sciences

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The Faculty of Art & Social Sciences focuses on developing engaged citizens primed to shape and be involved in their communities. The faculty is home to a range of highly ranked programs across 16 departments and schools, as well as a language institute.

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  • Yanjie is a Philosophy Master's student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences aiming to figure out what happens in people's minds when making moral judgements and/or performing moral actions. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • Ritam is a Philosophy Master's student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences interested in ethics and logic, and also in social and political philosophy. (Mitacs Globalink Fellowship, Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • Eddie is a Philosophy Master's student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences whose research is focused on the interaction between truth and the world. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship & SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)


  • " My current research revolves around artwork created in early modern England that has been...

  • " The Sociology & Anthropology department at SFU has always felt like home. Having...

  • " I always try my best to make myself available to other students for support. I try to...

  • " Broadly, my research asks how we come to make sense of living with a sense of crisis. I...

  • " When I first started at SFU for my Master's, I planned on only studying terrorism, but my...

  • "  I am curious about the qualities, metaphors, and capacities humans allow and refuse of...

  • " My work in both research and teaching at SFU has been invaluable for a future career in...

  • " After my undergraduate degree in psychology, I knew I wanted to pursue graduate studies in...

  • " In the Honours program, I developed an appreciation for the research process. I enjoyed...

  • " The lab is incredibly productive, with many projects occurring simultaneously. I am involved...

  • " I study how urbanization and land use decisions impact how natural hazards are experienced...

  • " My various interests include the environment and foreign policy, and I am motivated to...

  • " SFU's location is hard to beat. The Canadian West Coast is beautiful with great...

  • " I chose to come to SFU because of the university’s commitment to research and...

  • "  SFU was also appealing because the psychology department provided access to...

  • "  Broadly, I am interested in studying the ways in which state funding impacts the...

  • "  From the first lecture, I knew that this was a topic that I had to continue to study....

  • "  In truth, I’m addicted to those “aha” moments, and knowing that there will always be...

  • "  The English department has many incredible faculty members who spark my curiosity and...

  • " The International Studies (IS) department has an incredibly helpful faculty with a diverse...

  • "  I chose SFU, particularly the Urban Studies Program, because of its demonstrated...

  • "   chose to complete her graduate studies at SFU due to the exceptional faculty...

  • " It's where I plan on staying and, potentially, marginally improving. SFU was my first...

  • "The most valuable lesson I have learned during my time in graduate school is the importance...

  • "After completing my honours thesis on face matching and prospective person memory with Dr....

  • "I chose SFU because of its outstanding reputation for criminological research and innovation....

  • "My goal is to study interviewing techniques for child witnesses, and combat issues with false...

  • "I am interested in exploring how elected officials represent the interests of groups...

  • "SFU is one of few institutions in Canada to offer graduate-level training in neuropsychology....

  • "I was excited to join SFU and the Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies department as a...

  • "I enjoy learning from all of the very knowledgeable and engaging faculty here at SFU....

  • "Shawna is a motivated, ambitious, and incredibly impressive up-and-coming scholar. Even at...

  • "I strongly believe that research enables opportunities to reform Canada’s criminal justice...

  • "Samantha is a top academic with already and extremely impressive publication record. She is...

  • "One of the things I love most about anthropology, is how it is used as a framework to explore...

  • "Shreemouna enjoys and appreciates the opportunity to develop theoretical knowledge on topics...

  • "I have been fortunate to receive a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship and the British Columbia...

  • "I use noninvasive recordings of brain electricity to study the neuro-cognitive processes by...

  • "I decided that pursuing the next stage of my academic journey at SFU allows me to chase my...

  • "As the top criminology school in the western hemisphere, the School of Criminology has...

  • "SFU is one of Canada’s leading research-oriented Universities. This is especially true for...

  • "The History Department at SFU was extremely forthcoming about their interest in my research,...

  • "Yaser Nozari, or Yano as we call him, arrived into the MATE graduate program in the...

  • "I chose SFU to complete my undergraduate degrees in anthropology and communications because I...

  • "The masters program in philosophy at SFU is one of the most well-recognized programs in the...

  • "The Master of Public Policy program has a great reputation. I was attracted to the program’s...

  • "Many of my values and future goals align with SFU's mission and culture. SFU is deeply...

  • "I chose to come to SFU because its Master of Public Policy program offered everything I was...

  • "I chose to come to SFU because the public policy program here is not only well regarded, but...

  • "The School of Public Policy is so well respected in Canada. [It] has an incredible faculty...

  • "I did my Bachelor's at SFU!  The experience left a lasting impression on me; not only...

  • "I was drawn to SFU’s Master of Public Policy because I liked the practical components of the...

  • "I really appreciate the supportive and fun community that we have in the social area. I am...

  • "I came to SFU because I loved the scientist-practitioner model of the clinical psychology...

  • "SFU's department of Economics is one of the top-5 economics departments in Canada. I chose to...

  • "I chose SFU for its institutional and archival resources, enthusiastic and supportive...

  • "I came to SFU partially because of personal connections to the city, partially because I felt...

  • "SFU has a reputation for being a radical think-tank. The 1970s were a radical time generally,...

  • "I did a lot of research before making my decision and I found that SFU’s program has...

  • "I chose to come to SFU primarily because of the structure of the Master of Public Policy...

  • "I chose SFU due to the program's excellent reputation and the opportunity to complete a co-op...

  • "I chose to attend SFU because of its reputation as an engaging university that provides lots...

  • " I have sought to explore new and diverse literatures and acquire new ideas to share...

  • "Coming to SFU was a dream of mine. I remember learning about their criminology program and...

  • "I choose the Master of Public Policy program for a number of reasons including, that it...

  • "Steff is a true shining star. They are a pleasure to work with and already have a very...

  • "Oreofe is as amazing as she is astute.  She is passionate about issues of women and...

  • "I chose to enroll as a PhD student at SFU so that I could continue working alongside my...

  • "I came to SFU because I wanted to get into linguistic research. Additionally, I was...

  • "I chose to come to SFU because of the student-centred focus of the MAIS program, the small...

  • "I chose SFU due to recommendations from people I knew who had attended in the past, the...

  • "SFU has one of the most well-ranked terminal MA programs of philosophy in North America with...

  • "It has been a delight to witness the drive, relentless talent and intelligence, and good will...

  • "I was relieved to find a master's degree in International Studies at SFU that aligned with my...

  • "Apart from the unadulterated natural beauty that the SFU Burnaby campus has to offer, SFU has...

  • "The urban studies program was the best option I found. The program had a great faculty with...

  • "I chose to come to SFU because of the amazing Indigenous Studies department and all of the...

  • "I was drawn to the forensic program [at SFU] as it is one of the few graduate programs in...

  • "I decided to apply for the MA program in History at SFU because SFU has a vigorous program in...

  • "I'm enjoying working as a TA/TM in Labour Studies and reading the students' perspectives on...

  • "I enjoy the capabilities of the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies in inviting world renowned...

  • "SFU is amongst the list of top high-ranked universities in Canada and around the world,...

  • "The instructors in my Department are excellent. The camaraderie as well is so...

  • "I have been incredibly fortunate in my supervision and mentorship experiences at Simon Fraser...

  • "I learned about the part-time Graduate Liberal Studies program at SFU, and decided it would...

  • "Marissa Traversa is a scholar and accomplice who prioritizes JEDI (Justice, Equity,...

  • "Ranjani is dedicated, curious and resourceful without ever loosing her...

  • "The School of Public Policy offers extremely practical courses, which have allowed me to...

  • "insert quote here."

  • "insert quote here."

  • "My supervisor's research interest was the primary factor in my decision to come to SFU....

  • I particularly enjoy "the open-mindedness of my research community members and all the...

  • "I'm really enjoying the opportunity to dive into a research topic that I'm passionate about....

  • "The diversity  and richness of the course topics within the political science program...

  • "It's still considered the foremost hub in the world for forensic psychology and, especially,...

  • "I liked the possibility of being affiliated with the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies which,...

  • "SFU's Public Policy program checked all the boxes for me: I really liked the idea of being...

  • "Payten is an exceptional student as well as an amazing person. She is an...

  • " I was highly impressed by the abundant infrastructure of the Gerontology department,...

  • "I like the facilities provided by SFU (the library) and the knowledgeable teachers at the...

  • "I am enjoying getting to know the intelligent and dedicated people in SFU's English...

  • "I chose SFU mainly for my supervisor and funding opportunities. The location, faculty, and...

  • "I am deeply appreciative of the depth of expertise in SFU's political science department,...

  • "I am really enjoying engaging in research opportunities through various projects and working...

  • "SFU’s Master’s program in philosophy is pretty well regarded as one of the best terminal MA...

  • "Saba Pakdel is a brilliant and passionate researcher, unlocking new understandings of the...

  • "Since I first met Dr. Yifan Shi, he has revealed himself to be curious, critical, and...

  • I am a PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at SFU. I am particularly interested in the...

  • "The diversity and opportunity of research led me to choose SFU."

  • "I knew SFU had a great [Criminology] program and the rest is history."

  • "[Y]ou will have the opportunity to attend classes with students from different cultures and...

  • "Good reputation in the economics department. And we have a strong faculty."

  • "Having completed my Bachelors of Education at SFU, and the reputation of the History...

  • "I am really enjoying the passion that comes from my courses, peers, and supervisors."

  • I am a firm believer that compassion can guide the world though insurmountable challenges.

  • "I chose SFU and, specifically, GSWS because I was keen to work with Dr. Coleman Nye, a...

  • Additional Links LinkedIn

  • "I have enjoyed the intimate work environment of the campus and the support from my colleagues...

  • "My program provides a safe learning and working environment. I was surrounded by very...

  • "I am excited to undertake [the] demanding curriculum, with a faculty staffed with experts and...

  • I was born in Bethlehem, Palestine, and then immigrated to Canada at five years old. Since then, my...

  • "The Clinical Psychology program at SFU has a stellar reputation among the other programs in...

  • "I chose to come to SFU for the diverse opportunities at the psychology department."

  • "It is in failure that I always find myself a winner. This is my strategy in life, and this is...

  • "I really appreciate the positive and supportive learning environment, as well as the...

  • "Many of our projects are driven by the motivation to make the world a more just place for...

  • "The English PhD offers the flexibility to pursue a variety of complex research topics with...

  • "I chose to come to SFU because of the amazing Forensic Psychology program. I am also from the...

  • "My primary research interest is in socio-legal studies, specifically looking at the...

  • "My passion specifically lies in exploring the experiences, emotions, remembrances and...

  • "I am originally an island girl, from Victoria, and grew up with a great love for exploration,...

  • "Having been inspired by some of my favourite video games, I set out to learn just what makes...

  • "I am particularly enjoying discussing theory and methods with other graduate students in and...

  • "I grew up in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia and completed a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in...

  • "I am very grateful for the excellent mentorship that I have received in both research and...

  • "Every day brings new challenges, but I am grateful for the endlessly fascinating new skills...

  • "When you start to study something deeply, it can be difficult to find people to talk to about...

  • "Tiara Cash is an outstanding scholar committed to understanding how people navigate life...

  • "I love traveling for research and to conferences. Mostly, I love the close connections I've...

  • "I enjoy exploring individuals' behavior interaction in both computational and experimental...